Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus

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The Directorate of Financial Control of European Funds of the Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus operates as the Anti-Fraud Coordination Service (AFCOS), which cooperates with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). 
AFCOS has responsibility for shared management programs and for any program directly funded by the EU where Cypriot entities participate as beneficiaries and have received EU funding. Within this remit, it exercises a central coordinating role in the complaint management system that may affect the Union's financial interests (pursuant to the Protection of Whistleblowers Act of 2022). 

All complaints received by any competent authority and concerning interventions, contracts, or grant projects which are (co)financed by the EU and therefore may affect the financial interests of the European Union, are communicated to AFCOS for monitoring the development of cases, information of the relevant EU bodies where required, enforcing corrections to systems and procedures, as well as enforcing recoveries if required. 

In the context of improving cooperation between the Republic and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and for the purposes of implementing certain provisions of Regulation (EC) no. 2185/96, of Regulation (EU) no. 883/2013, of Regulation (EU) no. 2018/1046 and Regulation (EU) 2021/1060, a Law entitled «Ο περί του Εθνικού Συντονιστικού Φορέα για την Καταπολέμηση της Απάτης κατά των Οικονομικών Συμφερόντων της Ευρωπαϊκής  Ένωσης  Νόμος του 2024 (Ν.62(Ι)/2024)» was voted by the Parliament following its submission by the Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus as the responsible authority. 

The Law regulates the establishment and operation of the National Coordinating Body for Combating Fraud against the Financial Interests of the European Union (the Body) and strengthens the existing national legislative framework. The Body aims to ensure an effective and coordinated response to fraud and irregularities affecting the financial interests of the EU in Cyprus. Acting as a bridge of cooperation between Cyprus and OLAF, the Agency supports OLAF in the performance of its duties. The creation of the Body strengthens the country’s ability to meet the requirements of the EU including taking measures to preserve data and access to information, as well as criminalizing cases of non-provision, destruction or falsification of data during investigations. 


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