Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus

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The Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus would like to inform the Management Committees and the members of the Provident/Pension Funds of the Private Sector that suffered an impairment on the deposits that they maintained on the 26th of March 2013 with the ex-Cyprus Popular Bank and the Bank of Cyprus, that with effect from the 1st August 2018 applications will be accepted from members of the Provident/Pension Funds that have submitted an application and were approved according to the list of approved Provident/Pension Funds. The list will be continuously updated for the purpose of keeping all interested members up to date.

According to the Plan, the recoupment amount will be paid out when each Member of the Provident/Pension Fund of the Private Sector reaches retirement age, based on the Social Insurance Law, this being the 65th year of age.

The Council of Ministers, based on its decision dated 25/07/2018, has approved a proposal by the Minister of Finance to review the aforementioned Plan, which incorporates provisions for granting the increased recoupment before the 65th year of age, for those eligible members of Provident/Pension Funds of the Private Sector who are in receipt of Invalidity and Disability Pensions from the Social Insurance Fund and who were not employed as at the date of submitting their application.

The Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus will not be accepting applications from members of Provident/Pension Funds that do not meet the above conditions.

For any further information/clarifications you can send an e-mail to and state the matter for which information/clarifications are sought, along with your telephone number. The answers to the questions set forth will be given either via e-mail or by telephone.

Download file type Acrobat Application for increased compensation&FIMAS.pdf