1. Introductory
2. Prohibitions on importation
3. Restrictions on importation
4. Prohibitions on exportation
5. Restrictions on exportation
1. Introductory
According to the Law, the importation and exportation of certain goods is prohibited or restricted. Restrictions usually refer to the need for securing the authority or inspection from the appropriate Government Department. The aim of prohibitions and restrictions is the protection of society and the perpetuation of a safe environment. More specifically, such prohibitions and restrictions are essential for the safeguard of social ethics, order and security, protection of public health or the health of animals or the protection of plant-life, the protection of industrial and commercial property, archaeological treasures, cultural artefacts and others. The following are lists of prohibitions and restrictions, which passengers may carry with them. Be it noted that the lists are not exhaustive.
For further information, interested people are advised to contact Customs Headquarters (tel. no. 22601679 & 22601652, fax no. 22602769) or the competent authorities or services.
2. Prohibitions on importation
The following prohibitions apply:
- narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and other controlled pharmaceuticals;
- obscene matters and objects, such as videocassettes, DVD’s, films, books, magazines etc.;
- flick knives and daggers;
- counterfeit and pirated goods;
- nuclear, chemical, toxic, biological weapons and similar substances;
- goods used for illegal hunting of game;
- counterfeit bank notes;
- firearms and weapons other than firearms, such as military explosive devices and projectile launchers, automatic firearms, ammunition, long-barrel semi-automatic or repeating firearms, in accordance with the First Annex of the “Firearms and Weapons Other Than Firearms Law” no. 113(I) of 2004;
- goods shipped or originating from countries under an embargo from the United Nations Security Council and the European Union, such as Iraq, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Sudan.
- Cannabis derivatives: secondary production products, derived from primary production products of a different nature after processing or elaboration and includes fibers and debris from the processing of cannabis, oil and flour from the seeds of cannabis, cannabis contained in foods and beverages or other derivatives of cannabis. (competent authority: Chief of Police)
- Tobacco Products: Cross-border distance sales of tobacco products to consumers is prohibited with the exception of traders (for commercial purposes) (article 20 of the Health Protection (Smoking Control) Regulations of 2017).
- E-cigarettes: Cross-border distance sales of e - cigarettes to consumers is prohibited with the exception of traders (for commercial purposes). Articles 20 and 22(8) of the Health Protection (Smoking Control) Regulations of 2017.
- E-cigarettes - Refill Containers: Cross-border distance sales of e-cigarettes - refill containers to consumers is prohibited with the exception of traders (for commercial purposes). Articles 20 and 22(8) of the Health Protection (Smoking Control) Regulations of 2017, [According to Article 2 (17) of Directive 2014/40 /EU, refill container, means a receptacle that contains a nicotine-containing liquid, which can be used to refill an electronic cigarette].
3. Restrictions on importation
Description of goods | Conditions for importation |
Air-rifles of a diameter not exceeding 1.77 inches or 4.5 mm | Permit from the Chief of Police |
Animals, animal products |
- Import licence from the Director of Veterinary Services
- Veterinary certificate from the country of origin
- Inspection by the Veterinary and other Services
Cinematograph films |
- Verification whether the film is included in the official list of films, the commercial exploitation by people other than those having exclusive rights is prohibited or whether intellectual property rights are violated
- Competent authority: The Ministry of Interior
Explosives, cartridges for hunting guns, fireworks and similar goods |
- Import licence from the Inspector of Mines
- In addition, for the explosives, fireworks and similar goods, an examination by the Mines Service is required and in case of removal of the goods for physical examination, a special permit from the Director of the said Service
Flowers and plants |
- Licence from the Director of Department of Agriculture
- Phytosanitary certificate from the country of origin
- Phytosanitary inspection by the Department of Agriculture
Goods included in the “Imports Regulation (Control and Regulation) Order of 1995 | Import licence from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism |
Goods of precious metals (destined for the Cyprus market) | Checking and marking by the Cyprus Assay Office |
Hand-cuffs | Permit from the Chief of Police |
Honey and other bumble bee products (wax, royal jelly etc) |
- Licence from the Director of Veterinary Services and other relevant Government Services
- Veterinary certificate from the country of origin
- Inspection by the Veterinary and other Services
Hunting guns (including those of the flobert type) which take maximum of two cartridges in one loading | Permit from the Chief of Police |
Meat, fish and cheese |
- Authorisation by the Director of Veterinary Services
- Certificate of suitability for human consumption
- Inspection by the Veterinary and Health Services
Precursor chemicals |
- Stamping of invoice from the Department of Pharmaceutical Services
- Import licence from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Sporting archers and accessories their of | Permit from the Chief of Police |
Sporting pistols | Permit from the Chief of Police |
Telecommunications equipment which can be connected to the telecommunications installation of the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta), e.g. telephones, cables, etc. | Licence from the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority |
Telecommunications wireless equipment, including ground satellite stations of the VSAT type
The wireless receivers, mobile radiotelephones and pagers are excluded |
- A licence from the Director of Communications, Ministry of Communications and Works
- Licence from the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta)
- For the wireless receivers, mobile radiotelephones and pagers only the licence from the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority is required
Wild fauna and flora, endangered by extinction and products their of (Washington Convention - CITES), e.g. animals, birds, fowls, lizards, cactus, hides, ivory, etc) |
- Import licence from the Director of the Environment Service
- Export licence, issued by the competent authority of the exporting country
- Examination by the Environment Service
Click here for the Guidelines for import controls in the area of product safety and compliance.
4. Prohibitions on exportation
The term exportation includes re-exportation and transit of goods. Exportation of the following goods is prohibited:
- all items the importation of which is prohibited (please see above);
- goods included in the “Defence (Exportation of Goods) Order of 1999.
5. Restrictions on exportation
Description of goods | Conditions for importation |
Antiquities (including items of cultural heritage, e.g. old earthen jars) | Export licence from the Director of the Department of Antiquities |
Materials and equipment for the production of weapons of mass destruction and similar weapons (nuclear, biological, chemical) | Licence from the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism |
Wild fauna and flora, endangered by extinction and products theirof (Washington Convention - CITES), e.g. animals, birds, fowls, lizards, cactus, hides, ivory, etc) | Export licence from the Director of the Environment Service |