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Republic of Cyprus
Collaborations with other related Organizations

CAPA cooperates with a number of educational, training and research organizations in Cyprus and abroad. These include:

- The University of Cyprus
- The Open University of Cyprus
- The University of Nicosia
- The European University of Cyprus
- The Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM)
- Price WaterHouse Coopers Cyprus
- Deloitte
- The National Centre for Public Administration, Greece
- The European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht (EIPA)
- The Institute of Public Administration, Ireland (IPA)
- The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
- The European Centre for the Regions, Barcelona (ECR)
- The Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM), University of Manchester
- The Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM)
- The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), UK
- The Social Innovation Institute, Greece.

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Ministry of Finance
Cyprus Academy of Public Administration