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Hide details for [<span class="textred">&nbsp;2024</span>] 2024
Icon 29/03/2023 - Unavailability of all the central EU electronic systems.
Hide details for [<span class="textred">&nbsp;2023</span>] 2023
Icon 05/01/2023 - Revised Version of the Traders’ Technical Specifications for the B2G interfacing with the new Automated Import System (CY-UCC-AIS)
Icon 05/02/2023 - Revised Version of the Traders’ Technical Specifications for the B2G interfacing with the new Automated Import System (CY-UCC-AIS)
Hide details for [<span class="textred">&nbsp;2022</span>] 2022
Icon Exchange Rates
Hide details for [<span class="textred">&nbsp;2021</span>] 2021
Icon 03/11/2023 – Revised Specification Version (v.1.2) for the B2G Communication of Economic Operators' Systems with the New Customs Systems.
Icon 08/12/2023 - New production date of the Automated Export System (AES)
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