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eCustoms Project - ICS Import Control System  
 - Frequently asked questions for ICS
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ICS Import Control System

- Frequently asked questions for ICS

1. Where can I find details about CY national specifications for ICS?

They have been published in the web page of Customs and Excise Department:
category e-Customs – e-Customs project – ICS Import Control System

2. What are the connection options offered by Cyprus for the data exchange between customs and carriers?

CY ICS system supports the following methods for the data exchange:
a. Web Forms
b. XML File upload
c. Web Services (system to system)

( b) and (c) are XML based

3. Where can I find the Web Service Definitions (WSD) for the ICS system?

They have been published in the Website Address as mentioned in answer 1.

4. Can the Economic Operators test their system?

Economic Operators can test their systems through the testing environment. The URLs address are : for system access for system to system for system to system

In order to have testing credentials for login into the system you can send email to the CY helpdesk :

More details have been published in our website Address:
Category e-Customs – e-Customs project – ICS Import Control System- CY ICS

5. Do you have a technical certification process for the data exchange between Customs and Economic Operators?

No there isn’t any certification process, introduced by CY government. Systems can be checked through Testing Environment.

6. What exactly is submitted in field «Countries of routing codes» which is included in the exchange messages?

In this field has to be submitted all the codes of the countries (member states or not) which are included in the itinerary of the transportation means, declaring from the original departure to the final destination.
An example for itinerary from Russia to Madrid is : RU, LV, LT, PL, DE, FR and ES.

7. What is the Format of MRN for the CY- ICS system?

According to specifications MRN must be a 18 – digit code like it shown in the example above: 10-CY-000410-3-000001-5.
The first two digits represent the year e.g. 10, the next two represent the country e.g. CY, the next 13 characters are the unique identifier for import movement per year and country and the last character is the check digit.

8. How can I identify in which system the MRN belongs (NCTS, ECS and ICS)?

A method for identification of MRN will be implemented for the systems. More specific in the 11th digit of MRN will be included number 1 for NCTS, 2 for ECS and 3 for ICS.

9. Message IE 347, Notification of Arrival (NA), is not included in CY specifications?

According to DGTaxud Specifications message IE347 is not mandatory for ICS phase 1. Notification of Arrival will be implemented through the Electronic Manifest System since there is a legal provision to use Existing methods for NA.

10. What is the registration procedure in the testing and production System?

The registration procedure for Testing Environment can be made with a request from the interested party, through email:
The registration procedure for Production environment ιs described in a detailed document and it has been published in our website address that is mentioned in answer 4.

11. Who is the contact person for queries regarding ICS

Details for contact person has been published in Website address as mentioned in answer 1.

12. Which is the procedure in case that system ICS is down.

DG-Taxud has worked out the document Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in order to allow the continuity of activities in case of failure of the IT Systems. The document which includes procedures and scenarios has been published in our Website address as mentioned in answer 1.

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