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Feel free to contact us, by telephone, mail, fax or e-mail, if you need more information or if you have any inquiries regarding customs electronic systems.

Address: M. Karaoli & Gr. Afxentiou corner, 1096 Nicosia
mail address: Headquarters, 1440 Nicosia
E-mail address:

For any questions or functional or technical problems please call:

    Customs District Office
    phone no. for functional problems
    phone no. for technical
    Import declaration and Import Manifest systemHeadquarters
    22 601888, 22 601867
    22 407562, 22 407567, 22 407673
    25 802548, 25 802590, 25 802605, 25 802465
    24 801478, 24 828930, 24 828927
    26 007208, 26 804632
    22 601398
    ECSHeadquarters24 80147822 601389
    ICSHeadquarters22 60186722 601431
    EMCSHeadquarters22 601869, 22 60175722 601408

    For any suggestions or comments regarding our website or its contents you may send an e-mail by filling the following:

     The fields with * are mandatory

     Subject * :


     Full Name * :


     eMail Address * :





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