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1. Introduction
2. THESEAS advantages
3. Various systems of THESEAS
4. Interconnection
5. Forms
6. Contact persons
7. E-customs
8. Data Protection

1. Introduction

Computerisation enhances considerably the harmonisation and uniformity of customs procedures on both national and community level. In particular, computerisation improves:

    One of the major developments in reinforcing the Department’s efforts to extend its control and enforcement abilities, is the ongoing implementation of the ΄THESEAS΄ computerisation project (Cyprus Customs computerised Systems). ΄Theseas΄ automates the processing of customs import declarations and, in so doing, captures data, which – together with other information and intelligence – can be used to support customs controls based on risk analysis, profiling and targeting. The implementation controls initiated through the ΄Theseas΄ project are based on risk analysis factors. All risk profiles etc. have been defined and fed into the system and are regularly updated. The system has been placed in use since 30/07/2003.

    2. THESEAS advantages

    • enables effective service delivery through the internet;
    • provides increased assistance to the trade with electronic submission of declarations;
    • offers integrated operating environment through a single point of contact irrespective of location;
    • allows for faster turn around times in customs procedures;
    • minimizes risk to revenue collection;
    • reduces the level of manual processing;
    • improves and strengthens border protection with minimum intervention to legitimate trade.

    3. Various systems of THESEAS

    THESEAS includes the following modules:
      3.1. Manifest system

      The manifest system maintains up-to-date information about all goods presented to Customs in an import manifest. The information is used for the control of goods on importation and for the discharge of cargo declarations against the out of charge notes.

      3.2. Import system

      The import system manages all import clearance based on assessment and validation of all import declarations. It provides:
    • information to declarants on the amount of duties and taxes to be paid;
    • for record of all licenses or approval reasons for release of goods (e.g. license or approval by Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture);
    • for record of the control results;
    • for issue of “out of charge notes”.

      Import system includes also the following modules with an access only by authorised customs personnel.

        3.2.1. Warehousing system

        The warehousing module is a check-in and check-out declaration system for all goods stored in customs and tax warehouses. It is a control tool for all goods warehoused in these warehouses.

        3.2.2. Risk analysis system

        It supports the selection of import declarations for control at several levels (identification, documentary control, partial/full examination and sampling).

        It is also used for the post-clearance audit controls to detect potential risk and recommend examinations.

        3.2.3. Payment and accounting system

        The revenue collection and accounting modules take into account all payments, deposits and debts of all importers and customs clearing agents.

        The payment module enables payment transactions. The module:
      • performs collection of import duties, excise duties, VAT, other charges and compounding sums;
      • provides for issue of a payment slip, which confirms that the declarant has paid the customs debt and records the means of payment used.

        The accounting and collection module establishes a system with all the necessary accounts for the different types of duties, taxes and other charges.

        Management reports are produced for information of the National Treasury Department regarding revenue as well as for the information of EU for own resources.

      3.3. Tariff- TARIC system

      Tariff is a system allowing computation of taxes (import duties, excise duties, VAT and other charges) in accordance with the national and EU legislation. TARIC is automatically updated with all new EU measures on a daily basis.

      3.4. EMCS system

      The E.M.C.S. system (Excise Movement Control System) is a computerised system for monitoring movements of excise goods under suspension of excise duty within the EU, i.e. for which no excise duties have yet been paid. As from 1 April 2010, it has replaced the paper document which accompanied such movements (the Administrative Accompanying Document or AAD) with electronic messages from the consignor to the consignee via Member State administrations. From 1/1/2011 EMCS becomes compulsory for relevant movements of excise goods from all member states.

      3.5. ICS system

      ICS system enables Economic Operators to submit electronically the Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) and supports the exchange of messages between EU member states for goods for which a risk is identified. The objective of ICS system is to improve the safety and security of Imports in Europe.

      3.6. ΕCS system

      ΕCS system enables Economic Operators to submit electronically the Customs Export Declaration and Exit Summary Declarations (EXS) and supports the exchange of messages between EU member states for goods for which a risk is identified. The objective of ECS system is to improve the safety and security of exported goods.

    4. Interconnection

    Traders from Cyprus and other Member States may access THESEAS for submission of their customs declarations and for use of the information the system provides.

    5. Forms

    For applying for an access and obtaining other forms which are used for the customs electronic systems
    click here.

    6. Contact persons

    For guidance, inquires, functional or technical problems please

    7. E-customs

    8. Data Protection

    The Import, Export and Transit Directory (IET) at OLAF (European Commission anti-fraud office) collects information on the movement of goods for customs purposes from the Export Control System (ECS), Import System (THESEAS) and National Transit Application (MCC). The information collected usually refers to companies, but may also refer to individuals.
    You can find further information on the data collected by the IET in
    Privacy Statement for IET.

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