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Crossing Points - Green Line Regulations
Last updated 25.11.2021

1. Introduction

Cyprus acceded to the EU on 1 May 2004 as a de facto divided island. European Union (EU) has committed to a speedy resumption of negotiations on a comprehensive settlement under UN auspices for a solution to the Cyprus problem and the re-unification of the island.

The whole of the island is part of the EU. However, in the occupied area of the island, in the areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control, EU legislation is suspended in line with
Protocol 10 of the Accession Treaty 2003 (OJ L 236 – 23.9.2003). In the event of a solution to the Cyprus problem this suspension shall be lifted. It is noted that the suspension does not affect the personal rights of Turkish Cypriots as EU citizens. They are citizens of a Member State, the Republic of Cyprus, even though they may live in the areas not under government control.

This suspension made it necessary for special rules concerning the crossing of goods, services and persons to the line between the abovementioned areas and those areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises effective control needed to be established.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of these rules, their application had to be extended also to the boundary between the areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control and the Eastern Sovereign Base Area of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

As the abovementioned areas are temporarily outside the customs and fiscal territory of the Community and outside the area of freedom, justice and security, the special rules should secure an equivalent standard of protection of the security of the EU with regard to illegal immigration and threats to public order, and of its economic interests as far as the movement of goods is concerned.

2. Legal Provisions

a) Council Regulation (EC) No 866/2004 of 29th April 2004 entered in force on 1st of May 2004 (hereafter: Green Line Regulation, GLR) lays down special rules concerning goods, services and persons crossing the line between the areas of the Republic of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises effective control and the areas in which does not. According to article 4(3) of the above mentioned Regulation, goods crossing the line, are allowed only from the crossing points laid down in Annex I and the crossing points of Pergamos and Strovilia under the authority of the Eastern Sovereign Base Area. The Regulation refers to the prohibition of animals and animal products movement and provides exemptions from duties and taxes on goods contained in the personal luggage of persons crossing the line.
For the consolidated text (31.8.2015) click here.

Amendments of Regulation (EC) no. 866/2004

Regulation amendment No.
Official Journal No. –
Date of publication
Regulation (EC) no. 293/2005
OJ L50 of 23.2.2005
Regulation (EC) no. 601/2005
OJ L99 of 19.4.2005
Regulation (EC) no. 1283/2005
OJ L203 of 4.8.2005
Regulation (EC) no. 587/2008
OJ L163 of 24.6.2008
Regulation (EU) no. 685/2013
OJ L196 of 19.7. 2013
Regulation (EU) no. 2015/1472
OJ L225 of 28.8.2015

b) Commission Regulation (EC) no. 1480/2004 of 10th August 2004, lays down special rules concerning goods crossing the line between the areas of the Republic of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control and the areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises effective control.

Amendments of Regulation (EC) no. 1480/2004
Regulation amendment No.
Official Journal No. – Date of publication
OJ L146 of 01.06.2011
OJ L181 of 07.07.2022

c) Commission Regulation 1624/2005 of 4th October 2005, derogating from Green Line Regulation as regards citrus fruits crossing the line (falling within CN code 0805). Those goods shall not be subject to customs duties or charges having equivalent effect.

3. Definitions

For the purpose of the above Regulations the following definitions shall apply:

(a) the term ‘line’ means:

(i) for the purpose of checks on persons, is the line between the areas under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and those areas in which the government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control;

(ii) for the purpose of checks on goods, is the line between the areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control and both those areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises effective control and the Eastern Sovereign Base Area of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

(b) the term ‘third-country national’ means any person who is not a citizen of the European Union within the meaning of Article 17(1) of the EC Treaty.

Why the «line» is referred as «Green Line»;

The term «Green Line» refers to the cease fire line that de facto divides the island nation of Cyprus. It was first established in 1964, when Major-General Peter Young was the commander of a "peace force", a predecessor of the present UNFICYP. After stationing his troops in different areas of Nicosia, the general drew a cease-fire line on a map with a dark green crayon, which was to become known as the "Green Line".

The Green Line was extended long after the invasion of Turkey in Cyprus in 1974. This line is now extended over 300 km and divides the free from the occupied part of the island, which has created an unrecognised state. Nicosia is the only divided capital in the whole world.

4. The amending Regulations of the Green Line Regulation in more detail

A. The Regulation (EC) no. 293/2005. By this new Regulation simplified special procedures have been adopted as regards the trade of agricultural and animal products. Furthermore, the concessions for persons crossing the line have been increased.

B. The Regulation (EC) no. 601/2005. The Commission adopted this Regulation, amending Annex I of the Green Line Regulation. On this basis, the list of crossing points has been extended by two additional crossing points: Ledra str. and Astromeritis-Zodhia.

C. The Regulation (EC) no. 1283/2005. The Commission adopted this Regulation amending Annex I of the Green Line Regulation. On this basis the list of crossing points has been extended by three additional crossing points: Kato Pyrgos - Karavostasi, Kato Pyrgos – Kokkina and Kokkina – Pachyammos.

D. The Regulation (EC) no. 587/2008. The amending Regulation provided for a general lifting of duties on agricultural products originating in the occupied part of Cyprus when being traded across the Line. Furthermore, the total maximum value of goods contained in the personal luggage of persons crossing the Line was increased from € 135 to € 260 so as to encourage the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community. Goods up to this amount can now be introduced free of customs, excise duties and taxes across the Line into the government-controlled areas of the Republic of Cyprus or the UK Sovereign Base Area. This rule does not apply to cigarettes and alcohol for which the limits are defined in Article 6 (2) GLR. Finally, the amendments regulated in a transparent way the temporary introduction of goods (for up to six months) from the occupied part of Cyprus into the government-controlled areas or the SBA.

E. The Regulation (EC) no. 685/2013, amends the Green Line Regulation (EC) 866/2004, in respect of goods leaving the areas under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and re-entering them after passing through the areas which are outside the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

F. The Regulation (ΕU) no. 2015/1472, amends Annex I of the Green Line Regulation (EC) No. 866/2004. On this basis, two additional crossing points were added to the list of crossing points: Lefka-Apliki and Deryneia.

5. List of Crossing Points

Persons and goods shall cross the Line only at crossing points which are laid down in Annex I and in article 4(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 866/2004. Those are:

ledra street crossing pointa) Ledra Palace (for pedestrians only)
b) Agios Dhometios
c) Pergamos
d) Strovilia
e) Ledra Street (for pedestrians only)
f) Astromeritis-Zodhia
g) Kato Pyrgos – Karavostasi
h) Lefka-Apliki Kato
i) Deryneia

j) Pyrgos – Kokkina
k) Kokkina – Pachyammos

The last two are not opened yet.

6. Crossing of Persons

Persons shall cross the line only at the crossing points mentioned in paragraph 5 and the goods which hold or contained in their personal luggage may be exempt from turnover tax and excise duty as well as from other duties provided that:

A. Goods have no commercial character and their total value does not exceed €260 per person;

B. The quantitative limits for exemptions shall be 40 cigarettes and 1 litre of spirits for personal consumption. This exemption shall not be granted to persons crossing the Line under 17 years of age. The movement of any quantity of fine-cut tobacco for the rolling of cigarettes and/or other smoking tobacco from the areas of the Republic of Cyprus which are not under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is prohibited.

7. Crossing of Goods

Goods shall cross the line, only at the crossing points mentioned in paragraph 5 and shall be accompanied by a document issued by the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce for that purpose,- that verifies that the goods are originate from the areas in which the government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control.

For partial transportation of goods on the basis of the same accompanying document, Form C.P. 10 must be completed by the transporter of the goods, in the presence of the customs officers.

According to Article 4 of the Green Line Regulation, goods which can be classified under the following categories may be introduced to the areas of the Republic of Cyprus which are under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus:

A. Goods which are wholly obtained in the areas of the Republic of Cyprus which are not under effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. The following goods are considered as such:

  • minerals extracted from these areas, e.g. salt, sand, chalk, asbestos, limestones;
  • refuse, wastes and useless goods deriving from industrial operations carried out in these areas, as long as they have been collected in these areas and they cannot be used for any purpose other than for the recovery of raw materials;
  • goods produced in these areas exclusively from goods described above or from derivatives thereof at any production stage, e.g. bricks, marbles, sand and gravel e.t.c.

B. Goods which have undergone their last, substantial, economically justified processing or working in an undertaking, equipped for that purpose in the areas not under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, e.g. furniture (wood, which after processing is transformed into such furniture), shoes (hides, soles and other raw material, which after processing are transformed into shoes).

7.1. Temporary introduction of goods

With the exemption of goods which are subject to veterinary and phytosanitary requirements, the following goods may be temporarily introduced from the areas of the Republic of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control into the areas of the Republic of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises effective control, for a maximum period of up to six months, by issuing the customs form CP 5:

(a) the personal effects of persons crossing the line reasonably required for the journey and goods for sport purposes;
(b) means of transport;
(c) professional equipment;
(d) goods destined to be repaired;
(e) goods to be exhibited or used at a public event.

The form CP 5 is issued only for vehicles with foreign registration numbers (not from the so called “T.R.N.C”) and can be driven from foreign visitors in the areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises effective control, for a period not exceeding 6 months. The person concerned is obliged to return his vehicle back by the expiration date of the temporary introduction of the vehicle the latest.

No form CP 5 is issued for:
(a) Vehicles with registration numbers of the illegal state, the so called “T.R.N.C”,
(b) Absolutely personal used items, such as clothing and footwear

It is noted that the movement of goods obtained or derived from the free areas and trafficked from and back into the free areas between crossing points and through the areas located outside the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus, is allowed if the movement is completed within four (4) hours the latest. The person who transports the goods shall posses the necessary documentation to prove the origin of the goods e.g. invoice of sale or purchase, shipment etc. in case of any doubt.

It is noted that article 4a of the Green Line Regulation (EC) No. 866/2004, also states that, in case the temporarily introduced goods are not returned to the areas of the Republic of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control on the expiry of the period of temporary introduction given with the issue of the customs form CP5, they shall be subject to confiscation by the Customs Authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.

Regarding the possibility of bringing any temporarily introduced goods to the free areas of the Republic of Cyprus through the occupied areas for a period more than six months and use it permanently or register it (such as vehicles or motorcycles), this cannot be met, due to the circumstances concerning their illegal importation into the Republic of Cyprus through closed ports.

It is noted that in case of temporary importation of goods/items from the approved ports and airports of the Republic of Cyprus, i.e. the ports of Limassol/Larnaca or the airports of Larnaca/Paphos, then it is possible for these goods to receive customs status and be used for the entire period of the owner's stay in the Republic of Cyprus.

7.2 Prohibitions of goods or goods which are subject to restrictions

List of goods that are allowed or prohibited

Goods are prohibited to cross the line when they are imported from the closed ports of the Republic of Cyprus and the illicit airport, except those goods relieved from duties and taxes as in paragraph 6. In addition:

Animals and animal products
The movement of live animals and animal products across the line is prohibited except the movement of fresh fish for commercial purposes. This prohibition includes productive animals and pets, either for commercial transaction (e.g. transport to a slaughterhouse for immediate slaughter) or as a pet accompanied by the owner, fertilizer, snails, reptiles, hunting etc. In the case of the movement of fresh fish for commercial purposes, a valid accompanied document must be presented and the movement to the free areas will be allowed after the inspection and approval by the Officials of the Veterinary Services. The movement of fresh fish may be permitted only from the crossing point of Agios Dometios.

Processed foods of non-animal origin

It is permitted to transport, on a commercial basis as well as small quantities for personal consumption, the following processed foods of non-animal origin:

1. Olive oil

2. Halva

3. Jams

4. Table olives, black and green

5. Juices, Nectars and Fruit Drinks of apple, grapefruit, pineapple, cherry, peach, apricot, orange and pomegranate.

6. Coffee

7. Lemonade

8. Frozen vegetables

9. Frozen potatoes

10. Vegetables in vinegar and

11. Dried molohiya (Molokhia)

The movement of waste into the free areas is prohibited, unless it is accompanied by a waste management Permit for collection and transportation, from the Environment Services, in respect of the specific vehicle transporting the waste and provided that the waste will be delivered the same day to a permitted Waste Management Facility.

Counterfeit and pirated goods
The movement of counterfeit and pirated goods/items (even one piece) from persons, is prohibited. According to article 4 of the Regulation (EC) 1480/2004, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall ensure that goods crossing the line comply with the EC rules on the prohibition on the bringing in of counterfeit and pirated goods.

Construction Products
Samples might be received for further inspection by the Services for Supervision of Market Products Construction of Ministry of the Interior.

Radio equipment
The movement of radio equipment into the free areas for radio activity is prohibited, unless its owner is authorised for the usage of radio frequencies from the Department of Electronic Communications.

The movement of cement into the free areas is prohibited.

Pharmaceutical Products
The movement of controlled pharmaceuticals (drugs and psychotropics), doping steroids and other substances which may be used for doping is prohibited.
In addition, the movement of medical products for which there is a doubt as to whether they are intended for personal use as well as for those not marked or labeled or bearing misleading labeling is prohibited.
However, medical products intended for personal use with reasonable quantity, for up to one month’s of treatment, are allowed. The person who transfers them signs a declaration on the Form C.P. 4.

The movement of pesticide across the line into the free areas is prohibited.

Materials and articles intended to come into direct contact with food

It is allowed to transport materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, such as plastics, ceramics, transparent film of regenerated cellulose used to cover food, etc.

It is prohibited to transport plastic materials and single-use items intended to come into direct contact with food as they fall under the prohibitions of the Waste (Amendment) Law of 2022 [harmonizing Law number N. 48(I)/2022]. These products are now banned from the EU market and include cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, chopsticks), plates, straws, drink stirrers, food containers made of expanded polystyrene, drink containers made of expanded polystyrene and their lids and covers, expanded polystyrene cups and their lids and covers.

The prohibition does not apply to plastic bags used e.g. in supermarkets, markets, kiosks, shops and do not come into direct contact with food.

Low Voltage Electrical Equipment (for example, electrical appliances, cables, luminaries etc.)
The CE marking and the other mandatory markings (for example, rated voltage, rated power input, name or brand name of the manufacturer) shall be affixed to the electrical equipment.

Plant products:
In accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 866/2004, plants and plant products wholly obtained in the areas outside the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus may be entered via the line except plant products which are subject to prohibitions (Point A) and products falling under Annex XI of Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (Point B) which should be accompanied by a “Report of Phytosanitary Inspection”.

Α. The following are NOT allowed to move through the Green line:

    1. Plants for planting, cuttings or any other reproductive material.

    2. Potato seed.

    3. Any quantity of hay or straw.

    4. Plant Growing media,

due to the danger of spread of harmful organisms or other infectious and contagious diseases.

B. Plant products which fall under Annex XI of Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2072, are not allowed to move though the Green Line except if they are accompanied by the “Report of phytosanitary inspection” which is prepared by independent phytosanitary experts appointed by the Commission. More information on Annex XI of Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2072, may be found via the link:

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/ of 28 November 2019 establishing uniform conditions for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and the Council, as regards protective measures against pests of plants, and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 690/2008 and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2019 (

C. Any other plant product which does not fall under the points A and B above can be transported through the green line on a commercial basis, accompanied only by the document of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce.


(a) Small quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables, maximum of 3 kg or 3 bundles respectively, as well as 1 bouquet of cut flowers for personal use including the species referred in Annex XI of Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2072, are allowed to cross the Green Line, without any accompanying documents and/or inspection.

(b) The transportation of small quantities of firewood (up to 25 kg), for personal use, excluding firewood from coniferous trees, maple tree and chestnut tree, provided that the Transfer License (Form: D.F. 203) is secured by the Department of Forests, or the Transfer Form (Form: D.F. 224A) is secured by the President of the Community Council.


Regarding the transportation of firewood from the occupied area to the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus or from the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus through the occupied areas to the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus, according to the Forest Law of 2012 and the Timber Trade and Wood Products Law of 2013, regardless of whether they are included or not in the above Table, they should be accompanied by one of the following Forms:

    1. Transfer License (Form D.F. 203) issued by the Department of Forests to accompany a cargo of firewood (a) harvested in the area under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus and transported through the occupied areas to free areas of Cyprus and / or (b) harvested in the occupied areas and transported to the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus. In both cases, this License must be issued in advance by the local offices of the Department of Forests or,
    2. Transfer Form (Form D.F. 224A) issued by a Licensed Firewood Trader to accompany a cargo of firewood he is going to sell and is transported from his approved firewood storage in the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus through, the occupied areas, to be delivered to the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus or,
    3. Transfer Form (Form D.F. 224B) issued by the President of the Community Council to accompany a cargo of firewood from timber that does not belong to the species of trees and shrubs included in the Tables of the Forest Law and is harvested within the boundaries of the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus and transferred through the occupied areas, to be delivered to the areas under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus.
It should be noted that in any case of timber transportation to the free areas of the Republic of Cyprus, it should not carry any fresh branches, leaves or nuts.

The customs officers who are on duty at the crossing points, are authorized by the Director of the Department of Forests, to check for the existence of a transfer licence (Form D.F. 203), or transfer form (Form D.F. 224A), or transfer form (Form D.F. 224B) and proceed to the confiscation or seizure of the firewood transported without authorization.

For more information regarding the issue of a transfer licence, the public may contact the Head Office of Forestry Region Nicosia, Larnaca, Famagusta, phone no 22403741.

7.3 Information regarding the days and hours that the Departments/Services of the Republic of Cyprus (Veterinary Services, Department of Agriculture, Public Health Services etc) are available for performing physical controls at the Crossing Points

- Veterinary Services, Monday – Friday 07:30-14:30, excluding public holidays and weekends
- Department of Agriculture, Monday – Friday 07:30-15:00, excluding public holidays and weekends
- Public Health Service, Monday – Friday 07:30-13:00, excluding public holidays and weekends

It is noted that in cases where the presence of both Department of Agriculture and Public Health Service is necessary (i.e. for agricultural products), then both competent authorities go to Ayios Dhometios Crossing Point for the required controls.

Regarding the controls of the Ministry of Interior on building materials, including prefabricated rooms, the competent officers are available from Monday – Friday 08:00-14:30, excluding public holidays and weekends.

The following Departments/Services are also available if needed from Monday-Friday 07:30-15:00, excluding public holidays and weekends:
- Department of Forests
- Department of Electrical and Μechanical Services
- Department of Environment
- Department of Labour Inspection
- Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance and
- Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry.

8. Annual reports from the Commission to the Council on the implementation of the Green Line Regulation

The following annual reports are submitted by the EU Commission to the Council as provided for in article 11(1) of Regulation No 866/2004 on the implementation of the Regulation and the situation resulting from its application and attaching suitable proposals for any amendments if necessary.

Document No.

9. More Inquiries
For more information, you may write to the following address.

It is noted that, for issues regarding the crossing of persons through the authorized crossing points, interested persons may contact the competent authorities of the Republic of Cyprus which are, Civil Registry and Migration Department and Cyprus Police.

Related Attachments:
Download Acrobat Reader File List of goods that are allowed or prohibited (Size: 75,62 Kb)

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