The Methodological Manual for the Pre Selection and Appraisal of Public Investment Projects was prepared by the World Bank and financed by the Structural Reforms Support Service of the EU. The Manual elaborates further on the Guidelines for the Pre-selection and Appraisal of Public Investment Projects by elaborating on procedures and appraisal methods to be followed and by providing templates both for the preselection and the project appraisal stages.
As regards the preselection of projects, the Manual provides guidance for the completion of the Project Concept Note by economic entities which aims at the preliminary and overall evaluation of the project’s strategic relevance, economic viability and affordability.
As regards project appraisal the Manual provides the methodology for assessing the economic, social, environmental and budgetary impact of proposed investment projects. According to this methodology, which consists of 9 steps, all the impacts associated with an investment project are identified and, where possible, costs and benefits are valued in monetary terms, so that the projects selected by government will provide the maximum net benefit to the society.
The Manual is attached below.