The Competitiveness Report serves as the key analysis tool for the Council's work and includes the following:
a. benchmarking the competitiveness and productivity of the Cyprus economy internationally and in comparison with selected countries,
b. conclusions on problematic areas and key factors affecting them, and
c. identification of priority sectors where policy measures are needed to address the challenges identified.
In 2021, the University of Cyprus prepared the 2nd Cyprus Competitiveness Report on behalf of the Cyprus Economy and Competitiveness Council. The Report records the comparative advantages, weaknesses and challenges faced by the economy and provides policy recommendations to address the remaining challenges.
The final text of the 2nd Competitiveness Report is available here.
Based on a Decision of the Council of Ministers, all the Ministries/Deputy Ministries must integrate into their priorities and strategic planning, the measures they consider appropriate in response to the Report's Recommendations. Following the above Decision, DG Growth with the contribution of the competent Ministries/Deputy Ministries, prepared a Report and a summary Table with the main measures undertaken in response to the Recommendations of the 2nd Competitiveness Report for 2021. The Report and the Table are available only in Greek.