- National Authority for the Monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the European Erasmus + Program and the European Solidarity Corps.

- Contribution to the preparation/implementation as well as participation in the governance system of the National Lifelong Learning Strategy.

- National Authority and National Contact Point for the European Territorial Cooperation.

- National Contact Point for the Programming and Monitoring the Implementation of EEA, Norway Financial Mechanisms and Swiss Contribution.

- Promotion of Economic Agreements with third countries.

- Promoting the participation in the Competitive European Programs.

- EU Affairs Unit of DG EPCD (overall coordination of EU Units by General Secretariat of European Affairs).

Responsible Officers

Christina PidiSecretary22602806cpidi@papd.mof.gov.cy
Leda SkordelliSenior Growth Officer22602878lskordelli@mof.gov.cy
Pambos CharalambousSenior Growth Officer22602854pcharalambous@mof.gov.cy
Marina PieriAccountant22602827mpieri@treasury.gov.cy
Erica KyriakidouGrowth Officer A'22602897ekyriakidou@mof.gov.cy
Miranda ToumazouGrowth Officer A'22602948mtoumazou@mof.gov.cy
Constantia ConstantinouGrowth Officer A'22602949cconstantinou@mof.gov.cy
Marilena AyiomamitouGrowth Officer A'22602870mayiomamitou@mof.gov.cy
Kyriacos XylarisGrowth Officer22602889kxylaris@mof.gov.cy
Stylianos StylianidesGrowth Officer22602841sstylianides@mof.gov.cy