Republic of Cyprus
Cyprus Academy of Public Administration

Responding to Requests by Learning Units

Learning Units’ Action Plans normally include three categories of activities:

  1. Training programmes (mostly on technical issues) which will be bought from an external provider and which, therefore, will have to be funded through the decentralised budget.
  2. Learning activities that will be delivered by internal trainers, and for which, therefore, no budget provision is required.
  3. Training programmes on non-technical issues (e.g. management, soft skills, EU matters) which must first be requested from CAPA, and which, if CAPA has the capacity and agrees to provide, are covered by CAPA’s own budget. In those – so far not many – cases in which CAPA cannot satisfy a request of this kind, the Learning Unit concerned can cover the relevant need in one of the other two ways referred to above.
Some of the types of leaning activities frequently requested by Leaning Units and provided by CAPA are shown below:

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Chronological List of Activities

